Living Room Furniture
Beige Leatherette Cusion Contemporary Elegant Swivel Recliner
Today’s fast paced, ever changing, hectic lifestyle demands something to balance out the stress of everyday life. By stress we do not mean to imply just a bad day. Even when you are having fun – playing sports, giving power presentations after working on them for days and forgoing sleep in the process or just going on a picnic with your family – you use up your store of energy and stress out your body. This results in cramped muscles, bad mood, headaches and crankiness. You need something to help you de-stress and rejuvenate your senses back to life without overloading your body. We believe this beige leatherette cushion contemporary elegant swivel recliner is just the perfect thing for you. The beige colour is very elegant and soothing to the senses. The leatherette cushion is super comfy and relaxing. Take a seat and you will not want to get up. The swivel base provides the perfect way to interact with everyone in the living room, face to face, without having to leave your seat. We love it.
- Recliner: 21"L-60"L(reclined) x 36"W x 41-1/2"H
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