Why the Move Home?

Experts cite three converging reasons for the dramatic rise in home-based business: advances in personal computers and other office electronics, corporate downsizing, and dissatisfaction with urban stress and long, tiresome commutes.

The computer can arm a home-based worker with much the same power and polish as the big players. And new telecommunications technology makes it possible to access information and transfer finished work almost instantly.

Many established businesses are taking a look at telecommuting as a way to motivate workers, solve overcrowding, ride out economic changes, and grapple with tough new commuting laws. Telecommuting is also growing because the nature of much work is changing-away from producing goods and toward information services.
The appeal of home-based work goes beyond the opportunity to make your morning conference calls in sweatshirt and jeans or a bathrobe. Many home workers cite newly found (noncommute) time, lower stress, and lower overhead as major benefits. Others experience a better balance between work and family life. Many two-earner families resolve conflicting business and home duties when one (or both) adult works at home.


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