Archive for January 17th, 2009

Tying the Knot

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Cnot curtain bedroomSheer drapery can be downright ravishing when treated like a bridal veil. For maximum effect contrast sheer organza with a stark, architectural rod, as follows:

Run a white-painted wood dowel across the entire window wall, mounting the dowel directly to the ceiling so it looks more like an urban-loft pipe fitting than a curtain rod. (A good window-treatment or decorating store can supply the ceiling-mount hardware.) Now, buy a length of white organza that is twice the height of the wall plus 18 extra inches, and slightly wider than the window. (Sheer fabrics run wide, to spare you from visible seams.)

Here’s the bridal-veil part: Dress up the organza by having it piped on all four edges with white silk cord. Now toss it over the rod like a giant scarf, so the back just kisses the floor and the front puddles. Tie the front of the curtain in a big, loose knot slightly below eye level. The result is ravishing.